Thursday, January 23, 2020

Ready Player One- Mark Montoya

So far this has been the only year where I have actually read anything outside of school and enjoyed it. If I'm being honest when it has come to SSR time in the past years I would never take the reading seriously and I can say it feels good to finish a whole book. But y'all didn't come to hear my boring story, no you came to hear my book review on my favorite book from the last semester huh? Alright fine I'll stop boring you with my story and tell you about the book that I have chosen for this review which is Ready Player One a Science Fiction novel by Ernest Cline. The book was really fun and really long for me anyways it was 372 pages to be exact also it’s just an all around good read, well only if you like the 80s and are a little bit geeky. So the book yeah its about how the world has gone to trash and everyone is hating the real world but can escape to the OASIS. The OASIS is a free vast virtual world where people can be/ do anything they have ever wanted, in the OASIS you can be anything from Hello Kitty to the Incredible Hulk and go anywhere from your favorite movie to Mount Everest. You see all this through the eyes of a high school boy named Wade Watts and how the OASIS has changed/ help his life and those around him. Well with the help of the Easter egg the is left in the virtual worlds of the OASIS by the creator James Halliday, who ever fines this Easter egg will receive untold riches and full control of the company but thing is that it's available to every user on the OASIS. There are bad people that want to make the OASIS a place with ads and just ruin everything for the people using it, also ruin what Halliday has created for self gain. So Wade with his high level intelligence of the 80s and everything about James Halliday has to go through very difficult obstacles that are ahead of him and his friends which some he meets along the way, to be able to have a better life and save the OASIS from the bad people that are trying to mess everything up for everyone. With my love for the 80s it has really been one of my top favorite books of all time due to the fact that I had such a great time reading this book and that the author owns a freakin Delorean which is one of my dream cars!! Thank you for taking the time to read my review and I hope this book can bring you the same laughter and fun experience that it has brought to me while reading this book.


  1. I think it is great for your book to have a perspective of the character in their eyes. It’s kind of a way to see how the character thinks and reacts in certain ways.

  2. Having read your blog post about Ready Player one I definitely see similarities in the plot between the reality of the world in the book and the technological advances in the OASIS to our generation today. We are so immersed into our cellular devices to not only escape from the realities of the world, but also as a unique way to express ourselves. I am very intrigued at the blot because it somewhat brings an attention to a possible reality that the world may be facing today. We use the social media world and video games to give us a safe space to run to when we think the world around us has gone bad and we use it as an opportunity to make money out of it. I would definitely check this book out to get a greater glimpse of how the book illustrates the uniqueness of the OASIS and a deeper understanding of the scavenger hunt for a better life style. Awesome review!!!
