Thursday, January 23, 2020

Born A Crime

One of the books I read during the first semester was Born A Crime by Trevor Noah. Born A Crime is an autobiographical comedy which is based off of the life of the comedian and producer Trevor Noah. The book consisted of 288 pages of Trevor Noah’s childhood and the hardships and advantages he had being born a mixed child during apartheid. In the book Trevor shares his firsthand experience of being born to a Xhosa mother and a swiss father during a time in South Africa when it was illegal for people of different races to have kids with each other. Trevor Noah did an amazing job telling the reader a lot of troubling stories of his life growing up in South Africa, from him not being able to see his dad on a regular basis because it was illegal, to him being thrown from a car by his mother so they wouldn’t be killed. While the pain of growing up during apartheid and having to survive in a racist and sexist society that kept trying to push him and his mother down was one of the major plot points of the story, another major point of his story was showing his mother's love for him through good and very bad situations and how she would do anything for him and that is a part of his story that I really connected with. Being a comedian Trevor Noah also added some comedy to the story by writing about some of the hilarious antics him and his friends got into growing up in the streets of South Africa and how he came to love comedy and hard work through the challenges he faced in his life. 

1 comment:

  1. This seems like a very interesting read, and it's shocking to hear such racist institutions like the Apartheid were still in place until recent years. I wasn't aware that Trevor Noah had this kind of background. This autobiography seems fun to read, and I look forward to reading and learning more about Trevor Noah's childhood and what life was like during the Apartheid.
