Wednesday, January 22, 2020

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven: Or, How I Made Peace with the Paranormal and Stigmatized Zealots and Cynics in the Process by Corey Taylor, Dominic Diaz

When trying to figure out what book to read for the first quarter I had no idea what to read so I decided to find a book written by one of my favorite song artists, Corey Taylor, so picked up A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven. In the title the book was already ironic due to the author stating that he's an atheist multiple times inside and outside the book meaning that he neither believes in heaven or hell and should dismiss the paranormal all together. This book though is a fusion of his personal experiences with unworldly paranormal activity and his critical thinking as to how ghosts, spirits, or whatever they're called can exist. Another key aspect of the book too was his attitude being shown whenever he'd tell a story or explain the logic as to how ghosts can exist. One specific story he explains how his son, Griffin, was seeing a shadow man in his room at night when he was 3 years old and it was made clear that as a father he felt fear and anger that something he couldn't explain at the time was happening to his family. Every single part of the book was quite interesting because not only did he go in depth with the possibility of ghosts existing but the stories too were both comedic and kept my eyes glued to the book. It was something I enjoyed reading and I got a few good laughs out of it and it makes me think more differently because I now question more things with a more critical thought process than I did before.


  1. Reading your Post about A Funny Thing That Happened on the Way to Heaven seems like a intriguing and interesting book to read. You did an overall good job explaining the book without giving away major points. You also did a good job of acknowledging the tone and the attitude of the book. This gives readers an idea of what to expect.

  2. Good job on describing the book and I did not know the lead singer (Corey Taylor) of slipknot has published books. I might check this book out.

  3. Great job on describing the book. Although this doesn't seem like a book I'll be interested in since it's an autobiography. Your description and the title of the book are telling me otherwise, so I might have to check it out sometime.

  4. I had no clue the lead singer if Slipknot had written a book. Although I don't believe in ghosts or any paranormal activity, I believe that this book could give me a better insight on people that do all while having a laugh. I might just have to look into it further!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Nice review, it was well-written! Lucky you, that you found a book by one of your favorite musical artists. If I ever do read this book, I will have a well understanding of what it's about beforehand. Since I don't 100% believe in ghosts/ paranormal activity, it would be very interesting to read about other people's experiences.
